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Dimensions (inches): textile: 40.5" x 25", frame: 50.75" x 35.5" x 2.5"
Silk bands like these were used to wrap bunches of cigars. Beginning in the Victorian period, women saved them in order that they may be pieced together into decorative pillow tops, table covers, and quilts, usually in some variation of the log cabin quilt pattern.

This narrow horizontal format is very unusual, as-is the lemon yellow coloration of the overall textile. Most of the bands tend to run more on the order of chrome or cheddar yellow. Also unusual is the presence of bands that are not some shade of yellow, including crimson red, white, persimmon orange, and beige, which adds to the design.

The forked ribbon border adds a dynamic visual appeal. The beautiful variation on the pineapple log cabin design, which has an interesting cross-hatch center, was assembled with the highest quality of workmanship that is seen in such examples. Larger-sized works such as long shams or table covers are much rarer than their square, pillow-cover-sized counterparts and are invariably more interesting. Entire quilts are rarer still but are almost never encountered.

Mounting: The textile has been hand-stitched to 100% cotton, black in color, which was washed to reduce excess dye. And acid-free agent was added to the wash to further set the dye and the fabric was heat-treated for the same purpose. The mount was then placed in a black-painted, hand-gilded and distressed Italian molding. The front is u.v. protective acrylic.

Condition: Exceptional, especially for the medium and the period.
Primary Color: yellow
Earliest Date: 1880
Latest Date: 1910
For Sale Status: Sold
Price SOLD
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